You may find all important notes about HPV, which is the most common sexually transmitted disease that is also responsible for at least 5-10% of the female and male cancers in the world.

Most Current Information
Professional Consultants
Wide Scope
User Friendly Design


Through the last decades awareness and curiosity on sexually transmitted diseases and cancers has raised worldwide. In the meantime, transmission and eradication strategies of HPV infection became a hot topic while debates and scientific research on this era have created confusions and questions in minds.

This scientifically based application is targeting to fight against and minimise all misunderstandings, confusions, questions on this hot topic by simplifying the national/international guidelines and answering all possible 5 W’s and 1 H questions.

Easily Find

Thanks to the user-friendly interface, you can quickly access the information you are looking for.


The Frequently Asked Questions module discusses the most curious topics among the public.


If you have a question or problem that you cannot find the answer to in our application, you can submit it by filling out the form in the application. Your referrals will be answered by specialist doctors in a short time.

Frequently asked questions are added to the FAQ section.


The algorithms, screening centers or referral colposcopy centers are based on Turkish HPV DNA Screening Program and Turkish Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Guidelines . They are recommendations for physicians and patients that target forwarding users to right resources.


The maps and guides are designed to easily guide users to the existing KETEM and Colposcopy Centers in all provinces. You can see the contact information of these centers and if you wish, you will be directed to these addresses with directions.


This application, which is an important guide, was prepared under the supervision of the following distinguished academicians recognized in their fields.

Assoc. Dr. Murat Gültekin

Hacettepe University

Prof. Dr. Ali Ayhan

Başkent University

Prof. Dr. Kunter Yüce

Hacettepe University

Assoc. Dr. Nejat Özgül

Hacettepe University

Prof. Dr. Coşkun Salman

Hacettepe University

Dr. Ezgi Hacıkamiloğlu

Turkish Ministry of Health


You can download the fully free e-HPV app to your Android phone and tablet with Apple Iphone and Ipad by clicking the links below.